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Should I dispute any accounts listed on my credit report?

Disputes have become a big issue as of late — especially since borrowers now have even better access to their credit profiles through tools like Credit Karma. Consumers these days have the ability to dispute anything on there credit profiles — which isn’t necessarily a good thing. This is why it’s important to only dispute something you know is wrong, and not to just dispute something because you aren’t sure.

The problem is that when you dispute something on your credit, this means it is often temporarily removed from your credit profile and may not be as apparent to an underwriter at first. If this happens, this could cause headaches for you down the road when an underwriter learns of this dispute. See below:

  • Fannie Mae (Conventional): Generally disputing accounts on your credit can impact the underwriting process. We only suggest disputing an account if the creditor is truly reporting inaccurate information. If the information being reported is accurate then don’t dispute in hopes of trying to increase your credit. It will only create more leg work during the process.
  • Freddie Mac (Conventional): Generally disputing accounts on your credit can impact the underwriting process. We only suggest disputing an account if the creditor is truly reporting inaccurate information. If the information being reported is accurate then don’t dispute in hopes of trying to increase your credit. It will only create more leg work during the process.
  • FHA: Generally disputing accounts on your credit can impact the underwriting process. We only suggest disputing an account if the creditor is truly reporting inaccurate information. If the information being reported is accurate then don’t dispute in hopes of trying to increase your credit. It will only create more leg work during the process.
  • USDA: Generally disputing accounts on your credit can impact the underwriting process. We only suggest disputing an account if the creditor is truly reporting inaccurate information. If the information being reported is accurate then don’t dispute in hopes of trying to increase your credit. It will only create more leg work during the process.
  • VA: Generally disputing accounts on your credit can impact the underwriting process. We only suggest disputing an account if the creditor is truly reporting inaccurate information. If the information being reported is accurate then don’t dispute in hopes of trying to increase your credit. It will only create more leg work during the process.


To learn more about the mortgage process, be sure to speak with an experience mortgage broker.

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