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Can I use a 401K loan as part of my down payment? If so, will I have to factor in the payment I need to make to repay my 401k in my debt ratio?

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This is an incredibly common question, especially from first time homebuyers. Because the money needed for a down payment is not always easy to come by, lenders of all types allow borrowers to apply money from a 401K loan to their down payment and closing costs.

While taking out a loan from your 401K may seem counterintuitive, because ideally you’ll have to pay this back, most lenders will not factor this eventual payment into your debt-to-income ratio. See below:

  • Fannie Mae (Conventional): You are allowed to use a 401K loan. You do not have to factor the payment in to your debt ratio.
  • Freddie Mac (Conventional): You are allowed to use a 401K loan. You do not have to factor the payment in to your debt ratio.
  • FHA: You are allowed to use a 401K loan. You do not have to factor the payment in to your debt ratio.
  • USDA: You are allowed to use a 401K loan. You do not have to factor the payment in to your debt ratio.
  • VA: You are allowed to use a 401K loan. You do not have to factor the payment in to your debt ratio.


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