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tips for selling your home

99 Proven Tips for Selling Your Home

Reading Time: 20 minutes

Stress. Fear. Excitement. Anxiety. Aaaaaaah! These are just a few of the words that come to mind when you are selling your home. In this situation, it is not unusual to feel as if there must be hundreds of things to do yet you can only think of half a dozen.

This is a major undertaking and we feel your pain (angst and exhilaration too). So, we’ve compiled these smart, proven tips for selling your home.

Yes, there will be stress. But you know you can do this. Take a deep breath. Ready? Go.

(Unofficial first tip: Do not add to your anxiety by trying to do every single thing on the list. Trust your instincts to tell you which ones make the most sense, and which ones are most important, for you.)

Make the First Impression Count

tips for selling your homeSince an exterior photo is typically used as the listing photo for your home, you want to entice prospective buyers. You also want to make a strong first impression during an open house or viewing. Listings get four times the amount of traffic on week one than any other week afterwards. First impressions are everything, so do what you can to make the outside of your house look like a masterpiece.

1. A little bit of landscaping goes a long way

Boost your home’s curb appeal by trimming back your shrubs and greenery, planting flowers or low shrubs, and of course mowing the lawn.

2. Repair sunspots

Sunspots can be a turn off when it comes to the curb appeal, luckily it’s a cheap and easy fix. Lay some grass seed in any areas of the lawn that look dry and patchy and water when necessary.

3. Go outside your property lines

After you have cleaned up your front yard, go a little further and really make your house stand out by cleaning up the mess that may have scattered onto the sidewalk or into the road. Leafs, dirt, or grass may have scattered a little further out front, avoid losing the charm of all your hard work, take a couple more minutes to clean the debris up.

4. Borrow a friend’s power washer

A power washer will help clean unwanted dirt, grime and mildew from your deck, house siding and driveway.

5. Give your door a fresh coat of paint

Painting your front door is an easy way to give your home a fresh look.

6. Throw out the welcome mat

No, literally throw it out. Then replace it with a brand new one. You can find a fine selection of inviting yet inexpensive welcome mats at most discount stores.

7. Upgrade your house numbers

Is your house number hanging crooked or upside-down, making that 9 look more like a 6? Have the decals on your mailbox fallen off? Adding a new mailbox or hanging some easy-to-read house numbers can sharpen your “curb appeal” while helping make sure people can find you.

8. Pretty up your porch

No stoop is too tiny to benefit from a little PLC (that’s TLC for porches). Even just adding a potted plant can breathe new life (and color!) into an otherwise dowdy doorway. Junk any junky-looking furniture in favor of something new.

9. Let in natural light

Flip the switch on the first step of your illumination makeover by maximizing the amount of natural light that brightens and warms your home. Open the blinds. Drop the drapes. Trim hedges, bushes or trees if it helps let the sunshine in.

10. Switch on the porch lights

Pop your porch lights on when the sun goes down. You never know when a potential buyer might be doing an after-dinner drive-by. Don’t make them squint.

11. Light up the walkway

Lining your front walkway with solar lights can help brighten the experience of anyone who scopes out or visits your home in the evening.

Home Improvement

tips for selling your homeIncreasing the value on your home and appealing to the most buyers as possible will require some minor upgrades and home improvements. There are a few areas of the home selling process that you will need to organize but just remember, it’s not only helping you sell a home, it’s helping you prepare to move into your new home.

12. Fix ’er up

Spackle nail holes and repair any nicks, dings and dents throughout the house.

13. Bust out the WD40

Tighten any loose doorknobs and insure there are no squeaky doors by using some WD40 on the all door hinges.

14. Prepare for the home inspector

Leaky faucets must be repaired. If you think a home inspector is going to find something wrong, go ahead and fix it. However, unless a project is absolutely necessary, avoid major remodeling jobs that might not pay for themselves in the sale price.

15. Appeal to as many buyers as possible – Neutralize your personal style

It may not be your potential buyers style either. You want to appeal to as many people as possible, so try to bring your personal decorative style down a bit. You’ll soon have a new home you can decorate to your liking.

16. Embrace sophisticated neutral colors

This isn’t the time to try out a new tone of green. This doesn’t mean make your home boring but rich warm mid-tone neutrals like mocha and beige to create a comfy atmosphere with a traditional feel.

17. Change the light bulbs in your home

You’ll find out once you make the rounds, replacing any burned-out bulbs and switching others for higher wattage if a room seems a little dark. This is, of course, to make the place as bright and cheery as possible.

18. Play musical furniture

Pull your furniture away from the walls, though it may seem counter-intuitive, home décor experts contend that by doing so it can actually make a room seem more expansive.

19. Keep a natural flow from room to room

Open up the house by facing the furniture towards the next room, placing furniture against another room can give the illusion that the space is closed off.

20. Create a warm and inviting space

Use symmetrical arrangements, suggesting that pairs (of chairs, loveseats, lamps) to help create an inviting conversation area.

21. Open up the hallways

Add pops of color by hanging paintings at the end of a hallway to give the impression that it’s longer. These small changes can give the allusion that the narrow space is bigger and keep people’s attention as they move from room to room.

22. Add Mirrors

Hanging a mirror in the smaller and more closed off rooms of the house makes an enormous difference. Make the mirror an accent piece of a room by hanging it over the fireplace or mantle of the living room.

Getting Everything Together

tips for selling your homeEvery home has its fare share of “stuff” from the junk drawer, closet space and everything in between. This is the time to go through unclutter your home and dispose of the over stuffed, crowded surfaces. Clear things up and get rid of the unnecessary miscellaneous items that have just been hanging around. Create a clean and refreshing place for a potential buyer to imagine themselves calling home.

23. Pick up after your pets

Yes, you love your pets with all your heart, but not every buyer will find them as cuddly and endearing. De-cat hair the couch and de-dog toy every room. Hide their dishes, squishy mice and rubber bones. Get them out of the house altogether when potential buyers are visiting.

24. Erase any trace of pet odors

Litter boxes and other pet odors absolutely MUST be eliminated. One whiff of Mr. Whiskers could be a deal-breaker for some for scent-sensitive home buyers. So if you have pets, consider fetching a rug steamer and as well as doggedly vacuuming and washing all surfaces.

25. Tidy up the kids toys

Some buyers’ hearts may be warmed by scattered signs that say “Children on Board,” but others may not. So make sure Barbie and Buzz Lightyear are nestled into the toy box and that no one is in danger of breaking a leg on a rogue Lego or Lincoln Log.

26. Closets: Half full or half empty?

Whichever. Just remember that when you yank half the stuff out of your closets and neatly organize what’s left, buyers will not only appreciate seeing that storage space, they may even begin imagining how they’ll use it.

27. Declutter and depersonalize

There is a fine line between decluttering and depersonalizing your home so buyers can imagine it as theirs versus stripping it of all character and personality. It is often recommended that you stow those knickknacks, wacky photos and anything religious or political. Sure, you want your home to look like people live there, but maybe some generic people.

28. Really clean the carpet

Don’t rely on your vacuum alone. This is a job for (at least) a rented steam cleaner or (better yet) a hired rug-cleaning professional. We don’t always notice how shabby or dingy our carpets can become, but a potential home buyer might.

29. Refinish your flooring

Just a reminder that all floors require a thorough cleaning. If you have nice wood floors that look a little roughed up, consider having them refinished. Tasteful and distinctive area rugs can also work wonders when strategically deployed.

30. Bust out the white gloves – make sure the house is spotless

Clean absolutely everything, then check it again. Hey look, you missed a spot. The place needs to be immaculate (TV screens, lights switches, knobs; forgotten surfaces clear of all fingerprints). If you’re not up to the task, best hire a cleaning crew.

31. Light switches

You use them everyday and yet you’ve probably forgotten about cleaning the light switches a number of times during your household cleaning spree. Wipe all the switches down to ensure you’ve cleaned EVERY bit of the house.

32. Go on glass patrol – Every window must shine, inside and out

Window cleaner and paper towels are cheap. This chore sheds more light on what you want people to see. Whether outside looking in or inside looking out, buyers want the clearest possible view of what they might be purchasing.

Zero in on the Number One Room

tips for selling your homeThe kitchen is the most sought after room in a home. While a kitchen upgrade can quickly become pricey, it’s important to make the needed changes in the space to add value and hopefully help you sell faster.

33. It’s all about the kitchen – make sure the space is up to date

When selling your kitchen … Wait, of course we know you are selling the whole house, but it is impossible to overemphasize the importance of the kitchen. New countertops. A paint job featuring neutral colors. These can be antidotes to a would-be buyer offering less because of a kitchen that feels dated.

34. Go for stainless-steel appliances

Adding a stainless-steel appliance is often more appealing to a perspective buyer. Psychology suggests that seeing one shiny, high-end appliance can make people think the rest of the kitchenware is expensive too.

35. Make cheap and easy kitchen upgrades

Even something as simple as replacing old knobs and handles on cabinets and drawers can give a fresher appearance to a well-used kitchen. Even if you’re not a handyman (or woman) you can definitely handle this easy, low-cost upgrade.

36. Scrub the stove

Much of the action at open houses and showings takes place in the kitchen. So you’ve probably got some scrubbing to do. No buyer wants to see baked-on lasagna or greasy residue when they peek into the stove to see how big it looks.

37. Clean up the fridge

We are all guilty of having some strange and different foods in our fridge or having something far in back that is past date. Clean out the fridge, buyers will be looking in the refrigerator so make it look spotless.

38. Wipe up the microwave

While cleaning the kitchen an often forgotten area is the microwave. A sticky, greasy, spattered mess is not what buyers are looking for so make sure you’ve got the inside of that microwave sparking clean for when they’re peaking around.

39. Cool it on the fridge art

Who are those strange-looking people with vintage mullet haircuts and why are they drinking beer by that beat-up picnic table? Why, they’re the odd friends and family whose faded photos you forgot to remove from your refrigerator. Don’t let them (or those kooky refrigerator magnets) distract a potential buyer.

Go Through Each Room

tips for selling your homeThinking about all the changes you want and need to make to your home before the open house can become overwhelming very quickly. Going through a check list room by room makes it easier to efficiently and effectively make the necessary alterations to each space.

40. Know what other rooms are important

It’s important that the house as a whole is looking good, but it’s important to know what other rooms buyers will be paying extra attention to, so put them on the top of your list. Besides the kitchen, the master bath is where buyers are expecting to see upgrades, before you jump the gun on other areas of the house make these hot spots a priority.

41. Do your homework

Don’t go overboard with the renovations, planning upgrades to your home can be beneficial but you need to consider your neighborhood and most importantly your target buyer

42. Master the master bedroom

There’s nothing better than a clean, simplistic master bedroom, uncluttered by clothing, shoes and night table doodads. Crisp linens, a folded blanket at the foot of the bed and subtle, tasteful artwork should work nicely when it comes to master bedroom décor.

43. Easy bathroom upgrades

Buying a new shower curtain and towel rack are simple and inexpensive ways to fix up your bathroom. If you have a window in the bathroom think about replacing the shades or curtains, tie it all together with a fresh coat of neutral paint and add some accessories for some flare.

44. Install a pedestal sink

This is for home sellers who fear their bathroom may feel too tiny or cramped. One way to instantly make this space feel bigger is to ditch that cabinet-style model in favor of a simple, affordable pedestal sink.

45. Peek in your medicine cabinet

Do this, because you know your potential buyers will. A messy medicine cabinet might shift a visitor’s focus from thoughts of “hey, this seems like a nice cozy house” to thoughts of “why is this important space littered with dozens of expired prescription bottles and crinkled-up tubes of antibacterial salve?”

46. Clean up the bathroom counter

Soap scum and other personal hygiene debris builds up fast on the bathroom counter. So take five minutes to scrub it away.

47. Tuck away the daily products and tools

Hide that jumbled array of products and tools we use while looking into the mirror each morning. No reason to risk making a potential buyer bristle at seeing your family’s collection of germy toothbrushes. They want to see fresh soaps, fluffy towels, tidy trash baskets.

48. Clean everything down, in and around your bathtub, shower, toilets and sinks

No home buyer wants to see mildew, soap scum or hair when they’re popping into your bathrooms. Scrub the whole area down and be sure to keep the toilet seat down when people are going through the house.

49. Brighten things up with more lighting

A dimly lit bathroom can make the space feel smaller and more confined, adding more lights or a higher wattage bulb is the trick to making the space feel larger.

50. Head for the laundry room

This room pulls heavy duty in even a modest-sized family, and sometimes it shows. It’s not uncommon for the laundry area to feel musky, dark, even dungeon-like. But you can easily freshen things up with new baskets, towels, a coat of paint or some flowers.

51. Style your dining room table

Maybe you use the dining room every evening or maybe it’s more of a Thanksgiving and special occasion spot. Either way, that big, bare dining room table can get lost in the shuffle. But when it comes to a centerpiece, bigger is not necessarily better. Sometimes styling it with a series of smaller vessels can be most appealing.

52. Light the entry way

Make the entry way warm and inviting with small decorative details that keep the space organized. This is the first place your buyers walk into, you want to make a warm and inviting impression.

53. Charm your outdoor space

No matter how small your “outdoor” space may be, dress it up with cheerful flowers or a colorful outdoor mosaic table and chairs. Keep people imagining the area as a relaxing place to have breakfast.

54. Bird feeders – if you don’t have one, get one

These charming little bird feeders or bird houses are the perfect backyard item to make the backyard memorable to the buyer, even if it’s a two foot balcony. Bird feeders don’t take up much, if any, space at all and they are a great token to leave to the new buyers.

55. It’s not just a house, it’s a lifestyle – help a buyer picture themselves living there

Home buying is the stuff of the American dream, which is often made up of countless smaller dreams. A hammock or porch swing can help a buyer picture settling in here and relaxing with a loved one on a dreamy afternoon.

56. Soak up the rain – buy a rain barrel

Not only are they great for sustainability, but they can also be a great selling point to include with the house. Towns and cities often provide cheap rain barrels for town members, so be sure to check with your local officials.

57. Get rid of the backyard eye sores

Take down the old swing sets, dig up the old sandboxes and clean up any old wood piles that could be lingering around your backyard. Some of these things may hold sentimental value, but it may be time to say goodbye and move on. The prospective buyers of your home will appreciate it.

58. Get a pest inspection

Experts say there are about 45 different species of termites found in the United States. You and your buyer will both want zero. Owners of at-risk homes should consider a termite inspection, while making sure the dwelling is also free of any other common household pests.

59. Take care of pests at least two weeks before a showing

Give yourself at least two weeks to be sure any pests you may have to terminate are completely gone so there isn’t an unwelcomed ant crawling across your countertop during your showing.

Marketing Is Key

tips for selling your homeOK, now let’s back up for a moment to review a few of the essentials that don’t involve rolling up your sleeves for the mother of all house cleanings. When sorting through so many tips for selling your home, one must not overlook marketing.

60. Refrain from photo bombing

According to the 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 92% of buyers use the Internet to look for homes – so the photos you post for your listing should pack a punch. Appeal to all those prospective buyers out there by taking high-quality photos.

61. Take out the camera

You know the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, when it comes to selling your home, thousands of dollars are also at stake. Buyers want visuals, so make sure your listing is well-stocked with quality photos depicting all the key features of your home.

62. Shoot a video

Grab a camera, push record and stroll about your home, and perhaps the neighborhood as well, to give would-be buyers a personal, inside look. Seeing that nearby bakery (you can practically smell the fresh bread) or catching a glimpse of the friendly mail carrier can warm video viewers to your listing. Including fun facts about why your family loves the house can help a buyer picture making it their own.

63. Check the calendar

There is a belief that home buyers come out of the woodwork each spring, sometimes with tax refunds boosting their bank accounts. So while home buying, of course, takes place year round, many real estate agents suggest targeting March and April when looking to sell.

64. Be strategic about your debut

It’s recommended that you launch your listing on a Thursday or Friday to give buyers who are looking at homes a chance to see your listing, they will also have time to plan accordingly. A home that hits the market gets a 37% increase from an end of week showing than a listing that is posted at the beginning of the week.

65. Get listed, listed, listed

Though customarily part of an agent’s job, sellers are generally advised to make sure their home is listed on all the major online real estate sites (Zillow, Trulia,,, Craigslist, etc.). With so many buyers surfing and searching the web for their future home, you want to achieve maximum exposure.

66. Post it on social accounts

Everything gets posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter these days. An illustrated, well-written post announcing that your home is on the market, along with a polite request to spread the word, can spur social media sharing among your friends and family. (At the very least, it will be far more interesting than yet another report on what some former high school classmate had for lunch.)

67. Keep it short and simple

Don’t get long winded with all the details of home, you will want to leave some areas of the home open for interpretation. Not to mention no one likes to see half of their newsfeed taken up by one post. Make your post sweet and simple, keep the aura of mystery and intrigue your social followers to come take a look at your home.

68. Go beyond the description of the home

Adding in a few facts about your neighborhood and the amenities around the area can make your home more appealing to some buyers. Think about the distances to transportation areas, cities and schools or note nearby attractions.

69. Know your school system

Even though you may not have children attending the school, you should know a couple facts about your local school to answer any questions potential buyers may have. Facts like whether the school system is good or bad or how close the school is from your home. These kind of details can really influence a buyer—especially those with a few kids running around.

70. Post with caution

Social media can be a great way to expand your outreach and spread the word about your home but think carefully about what you’re sharing. You never want to comment that you may be out of town or mention that your home is vacant. Be sure any friends who may be lending a hand and sharing the news are also careful of this.

Plan - Prepare - Practice – Perform

tips for selling your homeOnce your home improvements are complete, it’s time to buckle down, plan price, date and time to launch the next step of the home selling process. You’ll want to hire the right people to assist you, and cover all the details of an open house. This the last bit of preparation before its time to put that For Sale sign out front.

71. Haggle with yourself

Find out what your home is worth, then shave 15 to 20 percent off that price tag. The result can be multiple interested buyers who may bid up the price, perhaps even higher than your original number.

72. Scout the competition

Study area listings to find other homes on the market (aka, the competition). Pretend you’re a buyer for a moment to better evaluate competing listings for what those sellers are doing right, and wrong.

73. Pop in to some open houses

This is another way to take a step back and learn from what others are doing as they attempt to sell their home. Doing so will provide real-life lessons on best (and worst) practices. Potential buyers of your home will also be visiting these open houses, and you should too.

74. Hire a broker who knows YOUR area

Don’t go for just any old real estate agent. You need a broker who is constantly monitoring the multiple listing service, who knows the comps in your neighborhood and has insight into what properties are going on the market. Look for a tech-savvy pro who embraces all the tools available to get you a deal.

75. Consider a home stager

Yes, “home stager” is an actual job, and it’s just what it sounds like – a person who stages your home to make it as appealing as possible to the greatest number of potential buyers. These tips for selling your home are intended to (kinda, sorta) make you an amateur home stager. But if you decide to consult a professional, be sure to ask them how they plan to help you sell more quickly and for more money.

76. Sweeten the deal

Including select “good stuff” as part of the deal can give a buyer the impression of added value. We are not talking about an internally illuminated, fishnet-stockinged leg lamp here (though that might be a deal-clincher for a fan of “A Christmas Story”). Think plasma screen TV, stainless-steel kitchen appliances or that nice riding mower in the garage.

77. Take advantage of a fourth season

Although spring is the time to hammer in the ‘For Sale’ sign, you shouldn’t count out the most vibrant season of all as a good time to sell. Autumn can be a great time to appeal to buyers because there is less competition than springtime.

78. Gather your home maintenance papers

Before you get ahead of yourself trying to dress up your home to look just right, you need to locate all those important papers to impress the potential buyers. Operating manuals for appliances, HVAC system, paint colors used for the walls, current warranties and upkeep should be available. It’ll keep you looking organized and appeal to the buyer.

79. Coordinate with your neighbors

The last thing you want on the day of an open house or showing is for your neighbors to throw a giant, loud party in their backyard. Call, write a note or pay a visit to each of your neighbors to inform them when you’ll be showing the house and don’t wait until the night before.

Open-House Eve

tips for selling your homeOn the night before your first showing or open house there are small details that boost your home from better to best.

80. Provide a snack

It addition to visual appeal, a neatly presented offering of cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, distinctive candies or even something a little more fancy can make your visitors feel more “at home.”

81. Go to dinner the night before your open house

After the single most important room in your home has been cleared of clutter and deep cleaned, don’t dull the sparkle of that perfect space. The night before the open house, avoid cooking fish or making a dish like chicken curry – treat yourself and go out to dinner.

82. Spring for fresh flowers

Place a simple vase of flowers on the kitchen counter, dining room and living room tables to add visual beauty and garden-fresh feel. This simple touch can make a whole room bloom.

83. Give the home a fresh scent

Some say apple cinnamon is the best scent to have permeating your living space when potential buyers come calling. Lavender, vanilla and lemon also make the list. No smell at all is another perennial favorite, while other favored bouquets include clean, green and citrusy. Baking something before visitors arrive can also add oven-fresh ambience.

84. Set a tone with tunes

Some soothing music in the air can help provide a relaxing atmosphere for a would-be buyer to move about your space. Or it might make you feel just a little more relaxed as strangers explore your personal space. (Good: classical and easy listening. Bad: hardcore punk and heavy metal.)

85. Borrow a Benz

Wow, the listing photo shows a fancy car in the driveway. These people must really be living the good life. This tip may not work for a tiny A-frame, but for some it could be an opportunity to help shape how a buyer might view your home.

86. Bring out your homes best features and make them say “wow”

You know your home’s best features – those amazing beams or glistening hardwood floors, the skylight that drenches the family room in sun each afternoon, the unique nooks and crannies that add personalities to older homes. Transform these features into remarked-on destinations and use your creativity to add new “wows” when guiding a tour.

87. Encourage exploration with home accents

Draw the eye to the certain areas of the home like hallways, corners or the top of the stairs to engage potential buyers throughout the entire tour. An accent wall, piece of art or hanging light can work to draw attention.

88. Keep an open-door policy

This means that any time a potential buyer wishes to see your home, you must be ready, willing and accommodating. Forget the inconvenience; it’s a temporary thing. But it’s important to make sure that even when you’re not expecting company, the place is in tip-top shape – kitchen clean and bathrooms gleaming.

89. Know your home

Prospective buyers are going to be interested in knowing things like; how you heat your house, how much the utility bill roughly costs, whether or not you have to pay for water, etc. So be prepared with the information necessary to answer these questions.

Keep Your Cool

tips for selling your homeThe excitement of showing your home for the first time can often cloud your otherwise carefully thought out actions. Just remember these next few tips to keep your cool during the showing.

90. Remain Professional

Definitely be friendly, but you probably want to avoid long conversations with potential buyers, especially on the topic of how excited you are to be moving. Plus, if the interaction is lukewarm for whatever reason, it could subconsciously affect how a visitor looks at your home.

91. Keep your separation

Avoid being a “lurking seller.” That is, the type of over-attentive host who hovers too close to a would-be buyer, potentially crowding his or her ability to tour the home in the most relaxed fashion. Some agents even recommend that the owner not be present when the house is being shown. If you are home, it’s advisable to stay out of the buyer’s face and personal space; in the background, available for questions.

92. Level your emotions

Chances are there will be one or more bumps in the road to selling your house. A home inspection may reveal something unexpected or a buyer may push for a repair that he or she considers a deal-breaker. Reacting to such situations calmly (deep breathe) will help you achieve your goal.

93. Remain positive

There is no scientific evidence that a potential buyer can smell desperation from across a spacious family room. Giving off the notion that you’re feeling desperate to sell can affect your ability to conduct dispassionate negotiations on this incredibly important transaction.

94. Remember your bills – contact utility suppliers and insurance providers

Amid all the excitement of selling your home it can be easy to overlook something as simple as contacting your utilities suppliers and insurance providers. Call them once you have a contract to make sure the transition occurs smoothly.

Final Thoughts

tips for selling your home95. Fix creaky hinges

Actually, fix anything and everything that is creaky or squeaky. (This isn’t to ensure visitors that your home is ghost-free, though it’s true that nothing can mess up a possible sale like the shadowy specter of some long-ago inhabitant.) Ensuring that everything opens and closes smoothly and silently helps convey the impression that the home is well-maintained.

96. Stay on schedule

Don’t procrastinate on making the recommended changes to your home, redecorating or having a stager come work their magic are things that cannot move forward until you’ve finished the smaller projects and minor renovations.

97. Last impressions also count

Think of the old expression: Leave them wanting more. Take one final review to assure yourself you’ve done everything right – treating the potential buyer to a warm, friendly experience in a spotless house with (wow!) a few cool surprises.

98. Breathe normally

Remember that deep breath we advised you take at the beginning? Well, now might be a good time to slow things down and take three or four more. This will help you have full confidence that, even though you are in the midst of a daunting and challenging process, you have all the tools you need to succeed in selling your home.

99. Learn to let go

It will undoubtedly be difficult to say goodbye to your home, no matter how long you’ve lived there. Learning to let go can be hard, but it’s a good idea to begin this process as you prepare to sell your home. Take pictures, shoot some video, and cherish every moment you have while it lasts.

* * *

The home financing experts at Blue Water Mortgage compiled this handy collection of tips for selling your home as part of our ongoing commitment to provide you with valuable information you can use to achieve your hopes and dreams.

Be sure to contact us whenever you need professional advice, or just a friendly conversation, about the often stressful process of buying and selling a home.

Roger Odoardi

Roger is an owner and licensed Loan Officer at Blue Water Mortgage. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire’s Whittemore School of Business and has been a leader in the mortgage industry for over 20 years. Roger has personally originated over 2500 residential loans and is considered to be in the top 1% of NH Loan Officers by leading national lender United Wholesale Mortgage.